...I would take on terrorists of all kinds, not just brown-skinned ones that the current government seems so hell-bent to destroy through bombs. What kinds of terrorists am I talking about?
Corporate terrorists: the kind who have multi-million dollars salaries while their companies are laying people off, eliminating pension plans and cutting benefits.
Educational terrorists: who undercut public education, the foundation of ANY democracy, by funneling money and energy to religious fanatics. (If throwing money at a war solves international problems, why doesn't throwing money at public education solve education problems?)
Environmental terrorists: especially people who claim that global warming is a myth or that the science doesn't back it up. You don't need science. All you need to do is open your damn eyes and pay attention to Mother Nature.
Civil Rights terrorists: the very folks who talk about less-government this and less-government that are the very ones supporting a full-scale erosion of civil rights, individual rights and government BY the people FOR the people. More than ever, we need judges who will stand up for the people, not the lobbyists, corporations and high-paid white men who get them elected.
Urban terrorists: the government leaders who continue to lure houses and jobs and development farther and farther away from dying core cities, when supporting inner cities is what can bring back jobs and excitement and eliminate our dependence on cars and foreign oil.
Energy terrorists: those corporate mouths and engineers who continue to claim that energy breakthroughs are 15-20 years away, when they're here RIGHT now for anyone with the gumption to pursue them and invest in them. If corporate America won't, it should step aside for entrepreneurs who believe in new ideas, new technologies and new ways of creating energy.
Health terrorists: especially men who claim they know everything about women's bodies and women's choices and what's best for women. Next time THEY get pregnant or raped-and-pregnant, they can spout off all they want. Until them, shut the hell up, please.
Idea terrorists: What happened to interesting ideas like mass transit and public education and environemtnal protection and equal wages for all and a sound Social Security system and eldercare and childcare and living wage standards and air pollution control and water pollution control...and....and.... Gay marriage is the best anyone can come up with these days?
Terrorists...a pox on them all, and you know who you are.
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