....I'd do a lot less talking and a lot more listening. I think the guy who lives at 1600 Pennsylvania right now likes to hear himself talk, but I rarely observe him listening, especially to people who either don't like hearing him talk or who don't necessarily agree with him on pretty important issues, like war and the environment and health insurance and tolerance and women and kids and morality and taxes. I remember watching footage a few years back of UK Prime Minister Tony Blair in a roomful of average Brits who were pelting him with really serious questions, and he listened and answered every one of them. I don't think I've ever seen he-who-should-not-be-named from Texas do that. Ever. He really should. It makes you smarter when you listen to other people. And it gives you new ideas and perspectives on stuff. And makes you a little less big-headed and small-hearted, and every politican could use a healthy dose of both.
If I get elected, I'll listen a lot. (I'll talk a lot, too, but not before listening just as much. I promise).
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