If I Lived At 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue...

...I would try to act and talk Presidential, not stupid and vapid. And I'd talk about how to make the world better, not more fearful or intolerant. I'd tell the truth instead of lies. I'd offer ideas on how to fix economies, health care shortages, global warming, public schools, divisive thinking and other stuff that's pretty important, too. I'd show that I have a heart AND a brain. In fact....

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

....I would probably say very stately things about the late Rev. Jerry Falwell, but don't really live at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue and I don't have to say stately things. I'm a blogger who IMAGINES what it would be like to be in the White House, and thus it made me giggle when my astute daughter IM'd me the day Falwell died with this message: "I bet he'll be really surprised when he wakes up and discovers he's in hell."

My only thoughts were these: Yes, Falwell had a lot of influence, but I truly truly hope that when he arrives at the Pearly Gates, he's totally shocked to discover that god is a goddess (thanks, JIM!) and she's a kickass, feminist, liberal, Democratic, purse-toting gay Teletubby.

THAT would be divine providence, don't you think?


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