If I Lived At 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue...

...I would try to act and talk Presidential, not stupid and vapid. And I'd talk about how to make the world better, not more fearful or intolerant. I'd tell the truth instead of lies. I'd offer ideas on how to fix economies, health care shortages, global warming, public schools, divisive thinking and other stuff that's pretty important, too. I'd show that I have a heart AND a brain. In fact....

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

I'd make anyone who receives a "retention" bonus and then leaves the company not only repay the bonus in full, with at about a 29.9% interest rate, just like credit cards, but also apologize in public on the National Mall at high noon in D.C.

And then we should find where that person lives and go to their house and pee in their private pool.


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