If I Lived At 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue...

...I would try to act and talk Presidential, not stupid and vapid. And I'd talk about how to make the world better, not more fearful or intolerant. I'd tell the truth instead of lies. I'd offer ideas on how to fix economies, health care shortages, global warming, public schools, divisive thinking and other stuff that's pretty important, too. I'd show that I have a heart AND a brain. In fact....

Friday, October 21, 2005

...I would announce today -- before any indictments are handed down -- that anyone indicted or even implicated in the leaking of CIA agent Valerie Plame's name to any reporter would be reuqired to hand in his/her resignation as soon as that information becomes public. No ifs, ands or butts. If your name's on the list, you're outa here.


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