...I'd immediately make sure that all the National Guard troops from Louisiana, Mississippi and Alabama who are now serving in Iraq would be called home, not only to help their own families but to help their own communities. They are "national" troops after all, and I'd have to admit that I made a big fat mistake by sending them overseas.
Wednesday, August 31, 2005
...I'd try to rally the American voters around rescuing people affected by Hurricane Katrina as much (or more) than I did after 9/11. From the looks of it, Katrina's devastation is far worse and more widepsread than the 9/11 bombing, even though they're two far different events.
Thursday, August 18, 2005
...I think I'd do the right thing and end my five-week vacation a few weeks early, especially since there's so much going on right now. I'd go back to Washington D.C. and get back to work, just because it would be the moral thing to do when so many people are not able to enjoy life right now, what with the occupation of Iraq going south and soldiers dying there for no reason and gas prices skyrocketing and inflation heating up and half of my staff being investigated for leaking an agent's name.
Wednesday, August 10, 2005
...I wouldn't ignore or disrespect any gold-star mother whose son voluntereed to fight in the same military that I worked so hard to weasel out of in the 1970s. That would be highly hypocritical and shallow, wouldn't it?
...I'd come clean about what the government knew about terrorist attacks and when the government knew it. It doesn't look good to the rest of the world if they all think the U.S. lied to go to war.
Tuesday, August 09, 2005
...I wouldn't make Cindy Sheehan camp outside my ranch in the stifling heat. I'd invite her in, give her a glass of cool lemonade, hug her and tell her how sorry I am that her son, Casey, died in Iraq in a war that I stupidly led the country into on false pretenses, and I'd promise to do everything in my power to bring the rest of the soldiers home as soon as possible. The war on terror is one thing, I'd finally say to her in total honestly, and it's obvious now that Iraq had nothing to do with it.
Monday, August 08, 2005
...I would have nominated a woman to the U.S. Supreme Court. Seems the white-guy voice is pretty well over-represented enough as it is.
...I certainly wouldn't want the words "White House" to become synonymous with the word "liar" or "weapons of mass deception."
...if I had five weeks of vacation, I sure as heck wouldn't spend it in Texas. I'd go somewhere in the world where there's a lot of trouble and see if maybe I could do something to help. One person can do a lot of good in five weeks.
....I'd make sure that all the people who worked for me told the truth, too, and if they were found to have told a lie, even a little one, I'd politely point them to the door and tell them to go find somewhere else to work.
I wouldn't want people in my country, and people around the world, to think that the folks in the White House were making things up or not being honest all the time. That could get you into a lot of trouble, don't you think?